Determine Which Of The Following Transformations Are Linear Transformations.

Embark on a captivating journey to determine which of the following transformations are linear transformations. This comprehensive guide unveils the intricacies of linearity, guiding you through the fundamental concepts, properties, and applications of these remarkable mathematical tools. Prepare to witness the power of linear transformations as they shape our understanding of the world around us.

As we delve into the realm of linear transformations, we will explore their defining characteristics, unravel the mysteries of additivity and homogeneity, and equip ourselves with a step-by-step procedure to discern their linearity. Along the way, we will encounter a captivating array of examples that illuminate the distinctions between linear and non-linear transformations, showcasing their diverse applications in fields ranging from physics to computer science.

1. Definition of Linear Transformations

Determine which of the following transformations are linear transformations.

Linear transformations are functions that preserve the linearity of operations. They maintain the algebraic structure of the vector space by adhering to the properties of addition and scalar multiplication. In simpler terms, linear transformations map vectors to other vectors in a way that respects the vector space’s operations.

Consider a linear transformation Tfrom a vector space Vto another vector space W. The transformation Tis linear if it satisfies the following properties:

  • Additivity: T( u+ v) = T( u) + T( v) for all vectors uand vin V.
  • Homogeneity: T( cu) = cT( u) for all vectors uin Vand scalars c.

2. Properties of Linear Transformations: Determine Which Of The Following Transformations Are Linear Transformations.


Additivity ensures that the transformation preserves vector addition. When two vectors uand vare added together, the result u+ vis mapped to T( u+ v). This transformation is equal to the sum of the individual transformations, i.e., T( u) + T( v).

Homogeneity, Determine which of the following transformations are linear transformations.

Homogeneity ensures that the transformation preserves scalar multiplication. When a vector uis multiplied by a scalar c, the result cuis mapped to T( cu). This transformation is equal to the scalar multiple of the original transformation, i.e., cT( u).

3. Determining Linearity

Determine which of the following transformations are linear transformations.

To determine whether a transformation is linear, apply the linearity test:

  1. Check additivity: Verify if T( u+ v) = T( u) + T( v) for all vectors uand v.
  2. Check homogeneity: Verify if T( cu) = cT( u) for all vectors uand scalars c.

If both conditions are satisfied, the transformation is linear.

4. Examples of Linear and Non-Linear Transformations

Linear Transformations Non-Linear Transformations
Translation: T(x, y) = (x + a, y + b) Squaring: T(x) = x2
Scaling: T(x, y) = (cx, cy) Absolute value: T(x) = |x|
Rotation: T(x, y) = (xcosθ

ysinθ, xsin θ+ ycos θ)

Exponential: T( x) = ex

Linear transformations preserve vector operations, while non-linear transformations do not.

5. Applications of Linear Transformations

Linear transformations example

Linear transformations have wide applications in various fields:

  • Physics: Describing motion, forces, and energy.
  • Engineering: Analyzing circuits, vibrations, and heat transfer.
  • Computer science: Computer graphics, image processing, and data analysis.

Linear transformations provide a powerful tool for modeling and solving problems in these areas.

Query Resolution

What is the definition of a linear transformation?

A linear transformation is a function that preserves the operations of vector addition and scalar multiplication. In other words, it is a function that maps vectors to vectors in a way that respects the linearity of vector space.

How can I determine if a transformation is linear?

To determine if a transformation is linear, you can apply the linearity test. This test involves checking if the transformation satisfies the properties of additivity and homogeneity. If it satisfies both properties, then the transformation is linear.

What are some examples of linear transformations?

Some examples of linear transformations include rotations, translations, and scaling. These transformations preserve the linearity of vector space, meaning that they do not distort the relationships between vectors.